Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Trust in the Spirit's leading

Acts 8:26-27 "An angel from the Lord said to Phillip 'Get up and take the desert road that goes south from Jerusalem to Gaza,' So Phillip went." - God's word translation

Phillip received instructions from an angel to go towards Gaza, he didn't know where or why he was going but knew that God had something for him to do, down that path. He came across an Ethiopian who was reading the prophet Isaiah and did not fully understand what the book was talking about. Phillip was able to explain to the man and his eyes were opened to truth. Phillip was then taken by the Spirit of the Lord to the city of Azotus. Because of his obedience he was able to see a man's life changed. God cares that much, to send a messenger out of his way for no other reason then to put them in the path of someone who's spirit is ready to hear and receive.  The same Spirit that led Phillip also leads us and resides in us after coming to know Christ, so that we ourselves can be used in the same way to touch lives. By being obedient to what He wants we are able to be open to whatever God needs us to do, and thus being used as a vessel to bring glory to His name.  The work He has for us might not make sense to our human minds at the time, but we have faith that God is in control, and when we trust in Him we can expect Him to use us and work through us to reach others.


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