1 Corinthains 13:8-10 "Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled;where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears."
God is love, perfect and untainted love. A love that will saturate your soul and a love that you know will never leave you. A love that will be for the rest of your eternity if you accept it. Jesus is the completeness that we need. We need to know Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23) A pure heart will desire pure love, and until our spirits become in unity with Christ and the Holy Spirit we can never know what pure love really is. We seek God out because as we come to know Him we see what love really is about. It is not condoning behavior that is against the heart of God, but seeing each and every person as someone who God so longs to have with Him in His home. God's love is a love that forgives when we do wrong, provides when we are in need, disciplines when we go against His ways, always wants to be in communication with us, desires us to trust Him even when we can not see, and so much more. Everything else in this world, even the gifts that God gives to us as His earthly children, will eventually have no need. Instead completeness comes, the completeness is Jesus, John 1:1, He is the beginning, the word of God, everything in the Bible points directly to Christ as our Savior, and to God our Abba Father. And He is the end, He is All and He is alive, risen and ready to be the one who takes us and leads us down a path that will not harm but only make us stronger, build our faith and show us the love that He so longs for us to know. He does not wish to harm us or see us in pain. And when pain of this earthly life comes, He takes care of us, no matter what the situation rather it be emotional, spiritual, physical. He meets us right at our need and sees us through each journey. When Christ returns and we see what the wholeness of God's love is, we won't need anything else, we will know in every way that God is truthful. Every time you make the choice to cry out to God, He will answer. Sometimes its not how we expect it to be, but in the end it will always work out to glorify Him, meaning it is done in a way that will leave no question of His existence. And we will be filled even more with what His love is about. Once Christ comes, we will be in His presence and that is enough.
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