Tuesday, January 6, 2015


The battle is real these scares will heal
I sink deeper but rise stronger
There will be a day when hope is realized
There will be a moment to gain the prize
At this time , its time to fight to win and to not give in
Enough is enough and there is so much more
So much more to live and breathe for
I know the purpose, I've heard the call
So why am I so timid to give you all?
I know You are there and more real then my flesh
But still it wages upon my chest
I lay it down at your feet, then pick it back up and claim defeat
You've already broken these chains that bind
So why to I pick them up and make them mine
I want to feel you like I did then, I still know you wash this sin.
Rebellion and anger I let slip in my heart
So Father once again wash clean every part
Make a road for me to travel
One that can not unravel
Be the only substance I need 
To live this life and for you suceed

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly - just checking to see if you will be blogging again soon. I have you scheduled for the Ruby blog and would love to include some new posts from you. Let me know how you are doing. Hope everything is OK. Hugs, Nina @ Ruby for Women
